Saturday, August 15, 2009

From BA with Love

Next week I'll be in New York City playing shows with Buenos Aires' Mataplantas.

It's the band's first trip to the US - I was heading to NYC anyway and ended up booker and tour manager for my favorite BA band. We get to town next Sunday and play Nublu right off. Come listen to Red Eve with DJ Joro Boro and Argentinian band Mataplantas, "Plant Killers."

I'm in town on my way to Italy to finish up a grad program at University of Bologna, where I'll live until mid-December. I'm finally playing music again after two years trying to get over nodes on my vocal chords. I've been studying with a teacher who sings opera and tango and is also a Buddist monk. He has done wonders for my voice, thought it was long gone. I'm celebrating with shows at Nublu, Pianos, Shrine, and Hecho en Dumbo in two weeks. Looking forward to seeing my New York peoples enjoying the end of summer (while we've been freezing here in winter).

Last week an artist friend, Liz Gleeson and myself threw the best party BA has seen in a minute. EEEvento had great music, food, ambiance, and cool friendly people. I can't really say enough about how well it turned out. I played guitar with my band here, we performed for the first time and shared the bill with Hermanos Macana and Mataplantas. We hit capacity (300) before 10pm and had a line down the street for a good hour. EEEvento was art by Liz, live music, Cocina Sunae's pan-Asian tasting dishes (Christina's awesome restaurant), Spanglish celebrating its new membership launch, 0800 Vino pouring local wine and ZZK Records closing it out on the dance floor. In a turn-of-the-century Frenchy mansion.

Since I wrote you last, I had a birthday, visits from LA and NYC family and friends, and a great weekend in the Pampas, in Mercedes watching gaucho horseraces.

Big Jim came out from LA and was here for the birthday, making it super-charged with friends and good times. My aunt Phyllis and cousin Alden came out from LA too, and we dined and wined our way around town along with another friend in town from NYC, boogaloo DJ and NYC musico Jonathan. Friends helped me dance my way through my bday and last month in Buenos Aires. Back for 2010.

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